Monthly Archives: July 2007

Hollywood Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s Markets are a joyful part of living in Portland. There are lots and lots of them, and sometimes it’s hard to remember all of the options. Walking, biking, and occasionally driving the Hollywood Farmer’s Market is a great Saturday morning activity. Of all of the places in my greater neighborhood, I bump into the most friends (some from my early childhood) at the Hollywood Farmer’s Market.

For prepared foods, I am particularly fond of the Crepe Women and the Fleur de Lis bakery folks. We’ve found lots of great produce (particularly berries) this year, and since we didn’t get a vegetable garden going I am very grateful to have fresh basil! And I can’t wait for local tomatoes.

There is now a small Farmer’s Market right by the NE 7th Ave. MAX stop on Tuesdays in the late afternoon, which I am hoping to try out on my way home in the super-heat today. And then there is another Farmer’s Market at the Ecotrust building on Thursdays that I keep meaning to inspect from work as well. So much good food, so little time!