Portland Spring Activities

The seven things I try to do every spring in soggy Portland

  1. Go to the Portland Chinese Garden in the rain. The Lan Su Garden’s roof tiles create amazing water patterns in the rain, and the pond looks gorgeous as well. Go.
  2. Buy a pass for the Bridgetown Comedy Festival (March-ish). Update: there may not be a 2018 Festival. Gahhh!
  3. Admire the crocuses.
  4. Go outside without a jacket. Live dangerously. It’s a balmy 55 degrees!
  5. Spring skiing. Pretty fun stuff, and the crowds start dropping significantly in April.
  6. Find a sunny day to sit on your front steps sipping a drink. It will happen. The ground might be too damp for a picnic, but your stoop will do nicely. Say hi to everyone who walks buy.
  7. Plant some stuff. Peas. Grass seed. Whatever you want. Some of it probably will come up!