This is a work in progress. More info added regularly.
Rose City Rollers — women’s flattrack derby league
Location: Hangar at Oaks Park and sometimes other venues around town
Season runs: January – Spring, with other events year round
Ticket prices: $7-$20
League: Rose City Rollers
Mascot: enthusiastic fans?
A few comments: This is not a single league but rather an entire league. The All-Stars team is BLANK and represents Portland in the BLANK league. Fans are passionate and very loud. I have been known to use ear plugs at bouts.
Portland Thorns, soccer
Location: Civic Stadium, currently known as Providence Park
Season runs: March through September
Ticket prices:
League: NWSL
Mascot: Timber Joey?
A few comments: Thorns games are great fun. Lots of families attend, and it’s exciting to see lots of young girls and boys excited about the team. The team is supported by the Rose City Riveters, with the seats at the North End for standing and cheering for the whole game
Portland Timbers, soccer
Location: Civic Stadium, currently known as Providence Park
Season runs: January through October?
Ticket prices:
League: MLS
Mascot: Timber Joey, formerly Timber Jim
A few comments: The Timbers have been in Portland in one form or another for decades. Their current incarnation is terrifically popular and the fans impressively enthusiastic. The members of the Timbers Army have been sitting at the North End of the field for many years and you are expected to be on your feet and cheering.
Trail Blazers, basketball
Location: Rose Quarter, currently known as Moda Center
Season runs: October through May
Ticket prices: all over the place
League: NBA
Mascot: Blaze, who looks like a rat?
A few comments: like many a popular sports team, the Blazers have broken many a Portlander’s heart. But they are ours, and many of the current (and past) team members are beloved members of our community. The longtime owner, Paul Allen, recently died and the team is currently reflecting and appreciating his support and contributions to the team and league.
Winterhawks, hockey
Location: Portland Memorial Coliseum
Season runs: September through March
Ticket prices: $15-$35 (approximate)
League: Western Hockey League – WHL
Mascot: ?
Transit: MAX lines and many bus lines
A few comments: There are a devout group of Winterhawks fans. We should all try to go to a game a year to help support them and the team.
Portland Pickles, baseball
Location: Lents Park
Season runs: summer?
Ticket prices: cheap
League: summer wooden bat collegiate league
Mascot: Dillon the Pickle
A few comments: I used to live around the corner from the Civic Stadium and always enjoyed catching some minor league baseball games in the summer. I was happy for Portland when we got major league soccer, but missed the relaxed, summer baseball. The Portland Pickles have helped fill that void. I am not a very passionate sports fan, so sitting out on the berm, drinking some beer and hanging out with friends has been exactly my speed.
Hillsboro Hops, Baseball
Location: Gordon Faber Recreational Complex in Hillsboro
Season runs: Summer
Ticket prices: affordable
League: Northwest League and Minor League Baseball — Short Season teams feeding into other minor league teams and eventually Diamondbacks
Mascot: A Hop
A few comments: family friendly